Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Why is the school so BIG? not because of Hackney children

Here's what BSF says:  'As part of its strategy for SEN provision in the Borough, the Learning Trust are looking to attract SEN pupils from adjacent Boroughs [i.e., students whose local authorities will pay]. The school is being designed to a capacity at 150 pupils which allows for the impact of this policy on pupil numbers.'

And this
  • at the expense of the school's own pupils who will be corralled in small outdoors spaces
  • at the expense of the local community which will be overwhelmed by a huge building, considerable environmental degradation, increased traffic, decreased parking spaces
Money over pupils' interests and needs, the quality of life of the local community, over scores of felled trees and the destruction of a local ecosystem squeezed by commercial and housing development, traffic and environmental degradation.

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