Anyone who had attended the consultation meetings with Hackney Council and BSF last autumn and last December will remember that we were promised and repeatedly reassured that there would be a period of 13 weeks from the moment of the validation of the Horizon School development plans by the Hackney Planning Department during which we would have time to submit our views.
Once more, we have just been told that this is not the case and that our views in support of or against the plans need to be in by 28 March 2011!
This is a serious issue for which all the officials and officers present in the consultation meetings have to assume responsibility. At a time when people in North Africa and the Middle East demand the fundamental rights of transparency, accountability and dignity and their voices seem to be heard by ruthless despots, we seem to live in a shamefully transparency-free zone, where the voice of the citizen is stiffled through misinformation and secrecy.
I think that you need to alert the local and national press about all this. This is disgraceful. Have you talked to local activists about this? And there is always the local government Ombudsman.
No surprise. They've already been caught in bold faced lies, eg, about funding.
You should also look at the WILDLY INACCURATE documents that accompany the planning application. These are not online but a set is at Coffee Corner cafe (voya's). Look at the packet that says 'Public Consultations' and see how your outrage has been transformed into a tea party. Among other things, you didn't object to the removal of the trees.
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