Tuesday, 8 March 2011


A comment posted by someone using the name 'Civil Servant' on our post "Transparency?" provides clarification on the time available for people to comment on the Horizon planning application. We are reproducing it in its entirety here as we assume that its originator is an officer in the Planning Department. We welcome the fact that there is an ongoing dialogue among stakeholders and the Council however fraught with anxiety and tension. We have no doubt that the Planning Department will conduct a thorough review of the planning application considering the comments of all stakeholders.

We definitely welcome this flexibility. To put our post in context however, the 13-week period had been mentioned in the initial consultation meeting by the BSF team and was not premised on the current timescales and forthcoming planning committee meeting schedules. There was no intention to misinform or alarm on our part but there was definitely a genuine expression of dismay.

Finally we would like to point out though that, on the basis of independent advice we have obtained, it is advisable that  parents' and residents' representations need to be in reasonably early to allow Hackney Planners to fully take into account stakeholders' representations and incorporate them into their recommendations.

The post is misinformative as there is indeed +13 weeks of time for feedback on the proposals.
Comments posted appear to be alarming a few people unduly.

Planners review a major planning application such as that for Horizon for 13 weeks until deciding whether to approve (or not). Planning regulations stipulate that a minimum 21 days should be allowed for consultations and, given that there are Government targets for turning around planning applications, Hackney planners do adhere to this formal consultation period. Although the formal date for consultation responses (the date planners have communicated) expires on 28Mar11, the scheme will not go to planning committee until the next eligible meeting being, 4May11, so comments on the scheme are considered right up until that date (which is +13 weeks from filing of the application).

There is plenty of time to make comments or objections and plenty of time for any points raised to be considered, and in any case right up to 4 May11. This is welcomed. Please take your time, write what you think, and send it to Hackney Planners who will then be in a position to consider all views.


Anonymous said...

Please note that the planning subcommittee meeting originally scheduled for evening of 4 May has been rescheduled to evening of 12 May 2011 owing to time conflict with another evening council meeting. For calendar of future council meetings see:

Anonymous said...

now it's this one that's a little misinformative. A decision can be taken administratively - and that doesn't take 13 weeks.
We now know that that won't happen here - it will go to the committee. But we didn't know and were not being told that, until some strong querying.

Keshawn Durat said...

I hope that everything works out for the best.

Former athlete, Author, Motivational speaker, Coach,

Keshawn Durant