Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Not enough oudoor space for Horizon kids says a report of the Hackney Independent Forum for Parents/Carers of Children with Disabilities

Despite the assurances of the Horizon School Head KT Khan that parents have no concerns about the plans to redevelop Horizon School, a report by the Hackney Independent Forum for Parents/Carers of Children with Disabilities chair raises a host of concerns such as the lack of funds to equip the sensory spaces the school plans provide for, the lack of plans for outdoor space equipment for the school and the lack of sufficient outdoor space.

As local residents have repeatedly raised these issues only to be dismissed by the School Management, Council and BSF the revelation that Hackney HIP has shared similar concerns raises a number of important questions as to whose interests the proposed redevelopment serves if stakeholders' concerns are so easily and readily dismissed.

The report that can be accessed at the Hackney HIP website also confirms residents' concerns that the Council, School Management and BSF have been trying to overcome potential objections to the scheme by recklessly giving reassuring answers to stakeholders' legitimate questions. Thus, the HIP chair reports that, in response to her questions about the lack of funds for equipment for the indoor and outdoor sensory spaces and the playground
the head said they hoped to raise money somehow – perhaps seeking a donation from Alan Sugar foundation as a possibility, although the officer from BSF thought there was enough money for everything.
We cannot help wondering if there is anyone that can really give us honest and authoritative answers to these and many more questions, including why this massive building complex is forcefully pushed forward without the team that planned and implements it being able to clearly articulate what it will look like, how it will affect the residents', families' and pupils' daily lives or whether there will be adequate funding for the children who will populate it. It is time we got some honest answers!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This blog post is very misleading, referring as it does to a report from last year. It does not reflect the current position, which is clear from HiP's website, which is that HiP is totally satisfied that the proposals to redevelop Horizon are very much in the best interests of the present and future pupils of the school.

Six Spot Burnet said...

Dear Prince George Road residents

In the interests of clarity and accuracy we are writing from HiP to let you know that the information you have provided about HiP on your website is inaccurate because it is out of date.

Please refer to the most recent correspondence between our chair and one of your fellow residents about this issue (see below) which explains this.

As you will see, HiP squarely supports the plans for Horizon school, a position based on in depth consultation with parents of pupils at the school. Please also see the most recent information on our website on this issue. We appreciate that you have not intentionally misrepresented our position. But now you are in possession of all the facts, we would be grateful if you could update your blog to accurately reflect our position and to avoid any misunderstanding.

Many thanks HiP (Rosie Graham)


Dear xx

Thanks for getting in touch.

The report you are mentioning is one from last year, which indeed outlines the points for the future lines of enquiry to be carried out by HiP in regard to rebuilding of the Horizon school.

In the meantime we have been very active in canvassing opinions of the Horizon school parents, as well as capturing the opinions of the professionals involved in working with children in the school. In the light of the result of these efforts, we are very satisfied that the present proposal for rebuilding of the Horizon school is very much in the best interst of its pupils. There has been a petition submitted to the planning committee saying as much.

We are also of the opinion that the Horizon school residents group does not seem to have and valid reasons to object to the planning permission and that by doing so they would be working against the best interests of the most vulnerable members of our society.

It would be great if we could work together towards making Hackney more inclusive and tolerant of disability, with our disabled children being educated in better schools and having better future prospects....

Anonymous said...

Please see HiP's website for an up-to-date statement about our views on the school development.

Anonymous said...

Last year? The report is barely 3 months old. I an wondering what prompted this about turn and the unequivocal expression of satisfaction by HiP. Council funding? Secret promises? HiP need to come clean.

Anonymous said...

It's clear HiP have been panicked by the threat of funding being withdrawn by BSF bullyboy tactics. This whole development has been underhand in the extreme. No proper consultation, just plans presented as a done deal and little chance to being able to contribute any feedback that would lead to a positive change.

And HiP do not represent all parents - many of whom are deeply worried about these plans. These politicians just want to give themselves a pat on the back. Their primary concern is NOT our children.

Concerned parents must object to ensure that the school suits the needs of their children. The school is old and needs replaced, it just doesn't need done this way and the funding will come anyway.

If they don't object it will be too late. I don't want my child corralled and controlled in tight spaces. He loves being outside.